



GIFTSym7 Directions to ROTC Building

Added by Burmester, Elyse over 5 years ago

Please click on this news item title link to view the map attached.

This map provides directions from Parking Garage H to the entrance of the ROTC building. Once you enter the building simply follow the signs to GIFT Sym 7.

We are so excited to see you all TOMORROW!!

Dial-in and Webex Meeting Information for GIFTSym7

Added by Burmester, Elyse over 5 years ago

Dial-in number: 301-394-7600, conference code 3007#

We will also be sharing the presentations live for those that are unable to attend in person. Audio will be available via the dial-in number, not the Webex meeting so please be sure to access both.

Day 1:
Meeting number: 621 641 926
Passcode: GFT7

Day 2:
Meeting number: 620 844 731
Passcode: GFT7

Please contact Elyse Burmester () if you have any issues or questions!

3 Days to go to GIFTSym7!!!

Added by Goldberg, Ben over 5 years ago

GIFTSym7 is just 3 days away, and it looks like it will be a full house!! If you are planning to attend, and haven't registered as of yet, please do so ASAP at the following link:

If you are in need of an email confirmation, please email Elyse Burmester () and she will provide you with the appropriate documentation.

For All Presenters: please provide the final versions of your briefings by 15 May to Elyse Burmester. If you are not able to make this deadline, please notify us at your earliest convenience.

Parking Instructions: Open this news item by clicking the title. Parking instructions are provided in the attached .pdf.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone in a few days! A FINAL version of the agenda will be made available tomorrow evening. If you are in need of anything, please contact Ben Goldberg directly ().

Your GIFTsym 7 Program Committee

GIFTSym7 Reminders

Added by Burmester, Elyse over 5 years ago

GIFTSym7 is almost here!!

If you have not done so already, please confirm your attendance through our GIFT Registration course:

For those that will be presenting:
  • Your presentation should be 25 minutes with 5 minutes of questions/discussion at the end
  • Please send your presentations in PowerPoint form to Elyse Burmester by May 9
  • There may be an opportunity for demonstrations during the break times; if you would like to demonstrate please let Elyse Burmester know of any requirements/support you will need as soon as possible.

Please click the News Item title to see an attachment for directions to GIFTSym7 location and instructions for parking.

In case you missed it, check out the Agenda here:

Agenda for GIFTSym7

Added by Goldberg, Ben over 5 years ago

Please click the News Item title to see an attachment for directions to GIFTSym7 Location and instructions for Parking.

Thursday Evening, 16 May 2019 - No-Host Dinner, Place: TBD (let Elyse Burmester know whether you will attend on Wednesday morning)

Day 1: Thursday, 16 May 2019
0745 - Check in, coffee and breakfast
0830 – Welcome & Opening Remarks - Benjamin Goldberg

GIFT Overview and Utility Session
0845 - Paper 7 - Architecture and Ontology in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2019 Update - Keith Brawner
0915 – Paper 2 - The 2019 Instructor's Guide to the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) - Anne Sinatra
0945 - Break

1015 – Paper 3 - Recommendations for Interaction Design of GIFT and Adaptive Instructional Systems - Robert Sottilare, Ross Hoehn, Dar-Wei Chen and Behrooz Mostafavi
1045 - Paper 5 - Extending GIFT Wrap to Live Training - Fleet Davis, Jennifer Riley and Benjamin Goldberg
1115 - Paper 20 - GIFT as a Framework for Self-Improvable Digital Resources in SIAIS - Xiangen Hu, Zhiqiang Cai, Arthur C. Graesser and Jody Cockroft

1145 – 1315 Lunch

AI, Machine Learning and GIFT Session
1315 – Paper 4 - Application of reinforcement learning for automated contents validation towards self-improving online courseware - Noboru Matsuda and Machi Shimmei
1345 – Paper 11 - Multimodal Machine Learning in Adaptive Instructional Systems: A Survey - Nathan Henderson, Jonathan Rowe and James Lester
1415 – Paper 12 - Understanding Novelty in Reinforcement Learning-Based Automated Scenario Generation - Jonathan Rowe, Andy Smith, Randall Spain and James Lester
1445 - Break

Learner Modeling Session
1500 – Paper 16 - Learner Modeling of Cognitive & Metacognitive Processes for Complex Learning Tasks for Dismounted Battle Drills
- Shitanshu Mishra, Naveeduddin Mohammed, Gautam Biswas and Benjamin S. Goldberg
1530 - Paper 13 - Towards Deeper Integration of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Sharing a Student Model Between GIFT and CTAT - Vincent Aleven, Jonathan Sewall, Juan Miguel Andres-Bray, Octav Popescu, Robert Sottilare, Rodney Long and Ryan Baker
1600 - Paper 9 - Improving Assessment Techniques to Understand Unobservable Knowledge States in a Psychomotor Task - Jong Kim and Benjamin Goldberg
1630 – Wrap-up Discussion/Adjourn for the Day

Day 2: Friday, 17 May 2019
0745 - Check in, coffee and breakfast
0830 - Opening Remarks – Benjamin Goldberg

Instructional Management and Training Effectiveness Session
0845 – Paper 14 - An Effectiveness Evaluation of Blended Adaptive Learning Approaches - Joshua Rea, Payton Rengel, Barbara Buck and Benjamin Goldberg
0915 – Paper 8 - Towards Data-Driven Tutorial Planning for Counterinsurgency Training in GIFT: Preliminary Findings and Lessons Learned - Randall Spain, Jonathan Rowe, Benjamin Goldberg, Robert Pokorny, Bradford Mott and James Lester
0945 - Break

1015 – Paper 1 - Towards Accelerated Learning Pedagogical Templates in GIFT: Analogical Reasoning and Honesty-Humility Traits - Jeanine DeFalco and Elizabeth Rodriguez

GIFT and Future Training & Education Concepts
1045 – Paper 18 - Intelligent, Adaptive Training in the Synthetic Training Environment - Gregory Goodwin
1115 – Paper 15 - Intelligent Exercise Control: Integrating Battle Space Visualization with Adaptive Instructional Technology - Benjamin Goldberg and Michael Hoffman

1145-1300 Lunch

1300 – Paper 10 - Teamwork Training Architecture, Scenarios, and Measures in GIFT - Robert Mccormack, Tara Kilcullen, Anne Sinatra, Alexander Case and Dan Howard
1330 – Paper 6 - Authoring Team Tutors in GIFT: An Automated Tool for Alignment of Content to Learning Objectives - Benjamin Bell, Keith Brawner, Elliot Robson, Debbie Brown and Elaine Kelsey
1400 – Paper 19 - Modeling and Visualizing Team Performance using Epistemic Network Analysis - Zachari Swiecki, Andrew Ruis and David Williamson Shaffer
1430 - Paper 17 - Integrating Virtual Reality, Biometrics, and GIFT to Train Soldiers on Analyzing Current Squad Capability - Christopher Meyer, Lucy Woodman, Michael Kalaf and Zach Heylmun

1500 – Wrap Up Discussion/Adjourn for the Day

GIFT 2019-1 Released!

Added by Brawner, Keith over 5 years ago

Download GIFT 2019-1 directly here:

Free GIFT Account registration required to download GIFT; GIFT is available at no cost

This release features the developmental code update to what has been running on GIFT Cloud for the last number of months. GIFT Cloud updates will still be deployed regularly. This release features:
- New DKF editing functionality
- Links to mobile devices for assessment (and assessments based around physical locations)
- Sets of instructional strategies to execute, rather than just one
- Sharing courses
- New courses with Unity
- and more...

GIFT Cloud maintenance tomorrow (4/16/19) at 9am

Added by Hoffman, Michael over 5 years ago

We plan on taking GIFT Cloud ( offline for a while tomorrow, Tues April 16th, at 9 am Eastern. The down time is expected to be for most of the morning. As soon as GIFT cloud is back another news announcement will be posted.

If you have a need for GIFT cloud to remain online please post something to the forums.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

GIFTsym 7 Update

Added by Goldberg, Ben over 5 years ago

ATTENTION: Mark your calendars! GIFTsym7 dates have been confirmed.
(Authors: GIFTsym Paper Template is attached for paper preparation)

The event will take place 16 & 17 May 2019 on the campus of the University of Central Florida (UCF).

The building can be located at 12650 Gemini Boulevard North, Orlando, FL 32816 in Multi-Purpose Room 129. Please note that parking on campus has a $5 per day fee. We recommend using Parking Garage H, which can be entered directly off of Gemini Blvd. There are free shuttle options as well, for those interested. As the dates approach, we will provide a marked map with all parking and shuttle recommendations.

We are still finalizing the agenda, but we plan to share a draft by the end of next week. We can confirm that GIFTsym7 will end by 3pm on 17 May to accommodate flights home, so please plan your travel accordingly.

Also, DON'T forget to register for GIFTsym7. To ensure we have appropriate refreshments and accommodations for all in attendance, please register by clicking the following link:

We're excited to see everyone and to share the wonderful work being performed in support advancing the utility of Adaptive Instructional Systems!

If there are any questions, please contact .


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