


Agenda for GIFTSym7

Added by Goldberg, Ben over 5 years ago

Please click the News Item title to see an attachment for directions to GIFTSym7 Location and instructions for Parking.

Thursday Evening, 16 May 2019 - No-Host Dinner, Place: TBD (let Elyse Burmester know whether you will attend on Wednesday morning)

Day 1: Thursday, 16 May 2019
0745 - Check in, coffee and breakfast
0830 – Welcome & Opening Remarks - Benjamin Goldberg

GIFT Overview and Utility Session
0845 - Paper 7 - Architecture and Ontology in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2019 Update - Keith Brawner
0915 – Paper 2 - The 2019 Instructor's Guide to the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) - Anne Sinatra
0945 - Break

1015 – Paper 3 - Recommendations for Interaction Design of GIFT and Adaptive Instructional Systems - Robert Sottilare, Ross Hoehn, Dar-Wei Chen and Behrooz Mostafavi
1045 - Paper 5 - Extending GIFT Wrap to Live Training - Fleet Davis, Jennifer Riley and Benjamin Goldberg
1115 - Paper 20 - GIFT as a Framework for Self-Improvable Digital Resources in SIAIS - Xiangen Hu, Zhiqiang Cai, Arthur C. Graesser and Jody Cockroft

1145 – 1315 Lunch

AI, Machine Learning and GIFT Session
1315 – Paper 4 - Application of reinforcement learning for automated contents validation towards self-improving online courseware - Noboru Matsuda and Machi Shimmei
1345 – Paper 11 - Multimodal Machine Learning in Adaptive Instructional Systems: A Survey - Nathan Henderson, Jonathan Rowe and James Lester
1415 – Paper 12 - Understanding Novelty in Reinforcement Learning-Based Automated Scenario Generation - Jonathan Rowe, Andy Smith, Randall Spain and James Lester
1445 - Break

Learner Modeling Session
1500 – Paper 16 - Learner Modeling of Cognitive & Metacognitive Processes for Complex Learning Tasks for Dismounted Battle Drills
- Shitanshu Mishra, Naveeduddin Mohammed, Gautam Biswas and Benjamin S. Goldberg
1530 - Paper 13 - Towards Deeper Integration of Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Sharing a Student Model Between GIFT and CTAT - Vincent Aleven, Jonathan Sewall, Juan Miguel Andres-Bray, Octav Popescu, Robert Sottilare, Rodney Long and Ryan Baker
1600 - Paper 9 - Improving Assessment Techniques to Understand Unobservable Knowledge States in a Psychomotor Task - Jong Kim and Benjamin Goldberg
1630 – Wrap-up Discussion/Adjourn for the Day

Day 2: Friday, 17 May 2019
0745 - Check in, coffee and breakfast
0830 - Opening Remarks – Benjamin Goldberg

Instructional Management and Training Effectiveness Session
0845 – Paper 14 - An Effectiveness Evaluation of Blended Adaptive Learning Approaches - Joshua Rea, Payton Rengel, Barbara Buck and Benjamin Goldberg
0915 – Paper 8 - Towards Data-Driven Tutorial Planning for Counterinsurgency Training in GIFT: Preliminary Findings and Lessons Learned - Randall Spain, Jonathan Rowe, Benjamin Goldberg, Robert Pokorny, Bradford Mott and James Lester
0945 - Break

1015 – Paper 1 - Towards Accelerated Learning Pedagogical Templates in GIFT: Analogical Reasoning and Honesty-Humility Traits - Jeanine DeFalco and Elizabeth Rodriguez

GIFT and Future Training & Education Concepts
1045 – Paper 18 - Intelligent, Adaptive Training in the Synthetic Training Environment - Gregory Goodwin
1115 – Paper 15 - Intelligent Exercise Control: Integrating Battle Space Visualization with Adaptive Instructional Technology - Benjamin Goldberg and Michael Hoffman

1145-1300 Lunch

1300 – Paper 10 - Teamwork Training Architecture, Scenarios, and Measures in GIFT - Robert Mccormack, Tara Kilcullen, Anne Sinatra, Alexander Case and Dan Howard
1330 – Paper 6 - Authoring Team Tutors in GIFT: An Automated Tool for Alignment of Content to Learning Objectives - Benjamin Bell, Keith Brawner, Elliot Robson, Debbie Brown and Elaine Kelsey
1400 – Paper 19 - Modeling and Visualizing Team Performance using Epistemic Network Analysis - Zachari Swiecki, Andrew Ruis and David Williamson Shaffer
1430 - Paper 17 - Integrating Virtual Reality, Biometrics, and GIFT to Train Soldiers on Analyzing Current Squad Capability - Christopher Meyer, Lucy Woodman, Michael Kalaf and Zach Heylmun

1500 – Wrap Up Discussion/Adjourn for the Day

GIFTsym7_Parking_Instructions.pdf (253 KB) Goldberg, Ben, 05/02/2019 02:06 PM
