



Can't make it to Orlando for GIFTSym6... no worries

Added by Sottilare, Robert over 6 years ago

Hi... we have set up a webex to screen share and provide audio from GIFTSym6... note each day is a different webex...

Audio for Webex sessions below is: 1-866-762-7536; Participant Code:4014063

Wednesday, May 9, 2018
8:00 am Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 9 hrs
Meeting number: 904 634 505
Meeting password: XTPPEiqW
Meeting link:

Thursday, May 10, 2018
8:00 am Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 9 hrs
Meeting number: 902 349 957
Meeting password: JjMG2S3P
Meeting link:

Friday, May 11, 2018
8:00 am Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 9 hrs
Meeting number: 903 256 250
Meeting password: umkiEXtr
Meeting link:

Final Agenda for GIFTSym6

Added by Sottilare, Robert over 6 years ago

See attachments for directions to Partnership III and parking.

Wednesday Evening, 9 May 2018 - No-Host Dinner, Place: TBD (let Elyse Burmester know whether you will attend on Wednesday morning)

Day 1: Wednesday, 9 May 2018
0745 - Check in, coffee and breakfast
0830 – Welcome & Opening Remarks - Robert Sottilare

GIFT Architecture Session
0845 - Paper 9 - Architecture and Ontology in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Keith Brawner and Michael Hoffman
0910 – Paper 20 - Potential to Migrate ElectronixTutor to GIFT - Andrew Hampton, Xiangen Hu, Arthur Graesser, Zhiqiang Cai and Andrew Tackett
0935 – Paper 17 - Ontology-driven Methods and a Framework for Enabling Hybrid Team Adaptive Training using Task and Sensor-based Performance Evaluation - Perakath Benjamin, Andrew Stephenson and Rodney Long
1000 – Break

Instructional Management Session
1020 – Paper 8 - Instructional Models in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Benjamin Goldberg
1045 – Paper 27 - A Blended Approach to Adaptive Learning - Barbara Buck, Matt Genova, Robert Sottilare and Benjamin Goldberg
1110 – Paper 24 - Design and Development of an Adaptive Hypermedia-Based Course for Counterinsurgency Training in GIFT: Opportunities and Lessons Learned - Jonathan Rowe, Randall Spain, Bob Pokorny, Bradford Mott, Benjamin Goldberg and James Lester
1135 – Paper 10 - Effects of feedback framing and regulatory focus are task-dependent - Ashley Oiknine, Kimberly Pollard, Peter Khooshabeh, Antony Passaro and Benjamin Files

Lunch – 1135-1300

Domain Modeling & Research Session
1300 – Paper 3 - Expanding Domain Modeling in GIFT: 2018 Update - Robert Sottilare
1325 – Paper 1 - The 2018 Research Psychologist’s Guide to GIFT - Anne Sinatra
Publish Only - Paper 14 - Using the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) for Adaptations in Challenge Levels for Collaborative Problem Solving During a Virtual Reality Scenario with Squad Overmatch Applications and Synthetic Training Environment Compatibility - Christopher Meyer, Mike Kalaf, Lucy Woodman and Zach Heylmun
Publish Only - Paper 31 - Basic Robotics Course - Danielle Julian

Experimentation, Analytics and Evaluation Methods
1350 – Paper 19 - Perceptual-cognitive Training Improves Cross-cultural Communication in a Cadet Population - Jeremiah Folsom-Kovarik and Michael Boyce
Publish Only – 15 - Integrating Sensors with GIFT to Maximize Data Exploitation for Improved Learning Analytics - Jong Kim, Robert Sottilare and Keith Brawner
1415 – Break – Technology Demonstrations

Authoring Tools Session
1445 – Paper 4 - The GIFT Authoring Experience: 2018 Update - Rodney Long and Robert Sottilare
1510 – Paper 2 - Incorporating psychomotor skills training into GIFT tutors: Supporting outside-the-box authoring - Debbie Brown, Benjamin Goldberg, Benjamin Bell and Elaine Kelsey
1535 – Paper 21 - Toward Automated Scenario Generation with Deep Reinforcement Learning in GIFT - Jonathan Rowe, Andy Smith, Bob Pokorny, Bradford Mott and James Lester
1600 – Wrap Up Discussion
1630 – Adjourn for the Day

Day 2: Thursday, 10 May 2018
0745 - Check in, coffee and breakfast
0830 - Opening Remarks – Robert Sottilare

Authoring Tools Session (continued)
0845 – Paper 18 - Automating Variation in Training Content for Domain-general Pedagogical Tailoring - Jeremiah Folsom-Kovarik and Keith Brawner
0910 – Paper 11 - Integrating Sketch Worksheets into GIFT - Kenneth Forbus, Tom Hinrichs, Samuel Hill and Madeline Usher
0935 – Paper 12 - Iterative Development of the GIFT Wrap Authoring Tool - Fleet Davis, Jennifer Riley and Benjamin Goldberg
1000 – Break

Individual Learner Modeling Session
1030 – Paper 6 - Learner Models in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Gregory Goodwin
1055 – Paper 28 - Workload-Adaptive Training Scenarios for Synthetic Training Environments - Nathan D. Smith, Thomas Schnell, Christopher M. Reuter, Ezekiel D. Gunnink, and Jason D. Moss
1120 – Paper 22 - Predicting students' unproductive failure on intelligent tutors - Seoyeon Park and Noboru Matsuda

Lunch – 1145-1315

Individual Learner Modeling Session (continued)

1315 – Paper 26 - Modeling Training Efficiency and Return on Investment for Adaptive Training - Gregory Goodwin, James Niehaus and Jong Kim
1340 – Paper 16 - Personality: A Key to Motivating our Learners - Elizabeth Biddle, Elizabeth Lameier, Lauren Reinerman, Gerald Matthews and Michael Boyce

Team Modeling Session
1405 - Paper 7 - Team Models in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Anne Sinatra
1430 – Break – Technology Demonstrations
1500 – Paper 23 - Team Performance and Assessment in GIFT: Research recommendations based on Lessons Learned from the Squad Overmatch Research Program - Joan Johnston
1525 – Paper 29 - Scenarios for Training Teamwork Skills in Virtual Environments with GIFT - Robert McCormack, Tara Kilcullen, Anne Sinatra, Jeff Beaubian and Tara Brown
1550 - Paper 13 - Towards validating a Mission Command Team Training Model in GIFT for Military Populations - Jeanine Defalco, Robert Davis, Michael Boyce, Erik Kober and Ben Goldberg

1615 – Wrap Up Discussion

1630 – Adjourn for the Day

Day 3: Friday, 11 May 2018

AIS Standards Session
0745 - Check in, coffee and breakfast
0830 - Opening Remarks – Robert Sottilare
0845 – Paper 5 - Developing Standards for Adaptive Instructional Systems: 2018 Update - Robert Sottilare
0915 – Paper 25 - Learning Technology Standards: the New Awakening - Robby Robson
0945 – Discussion – Viable Options for Near-term AIS Standards – Avron Barr (moderator)
1045 – Break
1115 – Wrap Up Discussion
1145 – GIFTSym6 Adjourns

*subject to change

GIFTSym6 Registration

Added by Sottilare, Robert over 6 years ago

Hi... we are attempting to get a head count for GIFTSym6... if you planning to attend GIFTSym6 (9-11 May), please email Elyse Burmester at by 1 May to confirm your attendance and to confirm whether you will partake of refreshments ($30 for the duration of the conference).

We are looking forward to seeing everyone and have a great slate of briefings scheduled.



Robert Sottilare
Program Chair, GIFTSym6

Preliminary GIFTSym6 Agenda

Added by Burmester, Elyse over 6 years ago

Day 1: Wednesday, 9 May 2018
0830 – Welcome & Opening Remarks - Robert Sottilare
GIFT Architecture Session
0845 - Paper #9 - Architecture and Ontology in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Keith Brawner and Michael Hoffman
0910 – Paper #20 - Potential to Migrate ElectronixTutor to GIFT - Andrew Hampton, Xiangen Hu, Arthur Graesser, Zhiqiang Cai and Andrew Tackett
0935 – Paper #17 - Ontology-driven Methods and a Framework for Enabling Hybrid Team Adaptive Training using Task and Sensor-based Performance Evaluation - Perakath Benjamin, Andrew Stephenson and Rodney Long
1000 – Break
Instructional Management Session
1020 – Paper #8 - Instructional Models in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Benjamin Goldberg
1045 – Paper #27 - A Blended Approach to Adaptive Learning - Barbara Buck, Matt Genova, Robert Sottilare and Benjamin Goldberg
1110 – Paper #24 - Design and Development of an Adaptive Hypermedia-Based Course for Counterinsurgency Training in GIFT: Opportunities and Lessons Learned - Jonathan Rowe, Randall Spain, Bob Pokorny, Bradford Mott, Benjamin Goldberg and James Lester
1135 – Paper #10 - Effects of feedback framing and regulatory focus are task-dependent - Ashley Oiknine, Kimberly Pollard, Peter Khooshabeh, Antony Passaro and Benjamin Files
Lunch – 1135-1300
Domain Modeling & Research Session
1300 – Paper #3 - Expanding Domain Modeling in GIFT: 2018 Update - Robert Sottilare
1325 – Paper #1 - The 2018 Research Psychologist’s Guide to GIFT - Anne Sinatra
Publish Only - Paper #14 - Using the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) for Adaptations in Challenge Levels for Collaborative Problem Solving During a Virtual Reality Scenario with Squad Overmatch Applications and Synthetic Training Environment Compatibility - Christopher Meyer, Mike Kalaf, Lucy Woodman and Zach Heylmun
Experimentation, Analytics and Evaluation Methods
1350 – Paper #26 - Modeling Training Efficiency and Return on Investment for Adaptive Training - Gregory Goodwin, James Niehaus and Jong Kim
Publish Only – 15 - Integrating Sensors with GIFT to Maximize Data Exploitation for Improved Learning Analytics - Jong Kim, Robert Sottilare and Keith Brawner
1415 – Break – Technology Demonstrations
Authoring Tools Session
1445 – Paper #4 - The GIFT Authoring Experience: 2018 Update - Rodney Long and Robert Sottilare
1510 – Paper #2 - Incorporating psychomotor skills training into GIFT tutors: Supporting outside-the-box authoring - Debbie Brown, Benjamin Goldberg, Benjamin Bell and Elaine Kelsey
1535 – Paper #21 - Toward Automated Scenario Generation with Deep Reinforcement Learning in GIFT - Jonathan Rowe, Andy Smith, Bob Pokorny, Bradford Mott and James Lester
1600 – Wrap Up Discussion
1630 – Adjourn for the Day

Day 2: Thursday, 10 May 2018
0830 - Opening Remarks – Robert Sottilare
Authoring Tools Session (continued)
0845 – Paper #18 - Automating Variation in Training Content for Domain-general Pedagogical Tailoring - Jeremiah Folsom-Kovarik and Keith Brawner
0910 – Paper #11 - Integrating Sketch Worksheets into GIFT - Kenneth Forbus, Tom Hinrichs, Samuel Hill and Madeline Usher
0935 – Paper#12 - Iterative Development of the GIFT Wrap Authoring Tool - Fleet Davis, Jennifer Riley and Benjamin Goldberg
1000 – Break
Individual Learner Modeling Session
1030 – Paper #6 - Learner Models in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Gregory Goodwin
1055 – Paper #28 - Workload-Adaptive Training Scenarios for Synthetic Training Environments - Thomas Schnell, Christopher M. Reuter, Ezekiel D. Gunnink, Nathan D. Smith and Jason D. Moss
1120 – Paper #22 - Predicting students' unproductive failure on intelligent tutors - Seoyeon Park and Noboru Matsuda
Lunch – 1145-1315
Individual Learner Modeling Session
1315 – Paper #19 - Perceptual-cognitive Training Improves Cross-cultural Communication in a Cadet Population - Jeremiah Folsom-Kovarik and Michael Boyce
1340 – Paper #16 - Personality: A Key to Motivating our Learners - Elizabeth Biddle, Elizabeth Lameier, Lauren Reinerman, Gerald Matthews and Michael Boyce
Team Modeling Session
1405 - Paper #7 - Team Models in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring: 2018 Update - Anne Sinatra
1430 – Break – Technology Demonstrations
1500 – Paper #23 - Team Performance and Assessment in GIFT: Research recommendations based on Lessons Learned from the Squad Overmatch Research Program - Joan Johnston
1525 – Paper #29 - Scenarios for Training Teamwork Skills in Virtual Environments with GIFT - Robert McCormack, Tara Kilcullen, Anne Sinatra, Jeff Beaubian and Tara Brown
1550 - Paper #13 - Towards validating a Mission Command Team Training Model in GIFT for Military Populations - Jeanine Defalco, Robert Davis, Michael Boyce, Erik Kober and Ben Goldberg
1615 – Wrap Up Discussion
1630 – Adjourn for the Day

Day 3: Friday, 11 May 2018
AIS Standards Session
0830 - Opening Remarks – Robert Sottilare
0845 – Paper #5 - Developing Standards for Adaptive Instructional Systems: 2018 Update - Robert Sottilare
0915 – Paper #25 - Learning Technology Standards: the New Awakening - Robby Robson
0945 – Discussion – Viable Options for Near-term AIS Standards – Avron Barr (moderator)
1045 – Break
1115 – Wrap Up Discussion
1145 – GIFTSym6 Adjourns

*subject to change

More details on GIFTSym6

Added by Sottilare, Robert over 6 years ago

GIFTSym6 will be held at the University of Central Florida Research Park in Orlando, Florida at:

Partnership III Building
3039 Technology Parkway, Room 321 A&B
Orlando, FL 32826

Dates: 9-11 May (9 & 10 May are full days, 11 May is a half-day)

Registration: There is no registration fee for GIFTSym6, but we are trying to gauge the room size and refreshments so please email: Elyse Burmester at to confirm your attendance and whether you will be taking refreshments ($30 for the three days). This will cover coffee, water, and snacks for the three days of the conference.

Attached are two files with directions, map, and parking instructions for the conference.

A detailed agenda will be out soon.

6th Annual GIFT Users Symposium (GIFTSym6)

Added by Sottilare, Robert over 6 years ago

GIFTSym6 is the sixth annual Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) Users Symposium. GIFT is an open source, empirically-based, service-oriented framework of tools, methods and standards to make it easier to author computer-based tutoring systems (CBTS), deliver and manage instruction, and assess the effect of adaptive instruction, CBTS, components and methodologies. GIFT is being developed under the Adaptive Tutoring Research Science & Technology project at the Learning in Intelligent Tutoring Environments (LITE) Laboratory, part of the U.S. Army Research Laboratory - Human Research and Engineering Directorate (ARL-HRED).

GIFTSym6 invites GIFT designers, developers and practitioners to submit technical papers about their ideas, experiences, and lessons-learned in using GIFT to author and evaluate Intelligent Tutoring Systems to deliver and manage adaptive instruction. This year, we have added a track to share ideas for standardization across adaptive instructional systems (AISs).

Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

Full papers (5-10 pages using template) describing design, application, and/or science-based potential enhancements to GIFT. This will form the basis for four half-day sessions at GIFTSym.
Short papers (3-4 pages using template) describing standards opportunities for adaptive instructional systems (AISs). This will form the basis for one half-day session at GIFTSym.
Submission Schedule

Abstracts are required to be extended abstracts (minimum 800 words) covering the focus of your paper, results/conclusions and recommendations.

Abstract Submission Deadline - 15 March 2018
Acceptance Notification - 22 March 2018
Paper Submission Deadline - 19 April 2018
Presentation Submission Deadline - 3 May 2018
GIFTSym6 - 8-11 May 2018, Orlando, Florida

List of Topics
AI and Machine Learning for ITSs
Assessment Methods
Authoring Tools
Domain Modeling
Individual Learner Modeling
Instructional Management
ITS Architecture and Ontology
Team Modeling
Standards for Adaptive Instructional Systems (AISs)

In case you missed it here is the latest news on GIFT

Added by Hoffman, Michael over 6 years ago

Check out the latest GIFT news at

Call for Workshop Abstract Submissions

Workshop on Authoring and Tutoring Methods for Diverse Task Domains: Psychomotor, Mobile, and Me

GIFT Around the Globe

We are interested in how you are using GIFT as a standalone tutor, in the classroom, for experiments or in other ways.

Team Tutoring Workshop Call for Proposals: AIED 2018

The GIFT team is hosting a half-day workshop titled "Assessment and Intervention during Team Tutoring" at the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2018 Conference in London, England, UK.

Hands-On with GIFT: A Tutorial at AIED 2018

In this tutorial, we will showcase the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT).

GIFT 2017-12-22 Experimental release is now available

This is an EXPERIMENTAL release that can be downloaded on the Downloads page of These changes are also available to you on GIFT Cloud (

Interested in Standards for Adaptive Instruction?

The Learning Technologies Steering Committee (LTSC) under the auspices of the IEEE Computer Society has formed a 6-month Standards Study Group to investigate the possible market need for standards across a group of technologies collectively known as Adaptive Instructional Systems (AIS).

Join the Center for Adaptive Instructional Sciences (CAIS)

The US Army Research Laboratory chartered the formation of a Center for Adaptive Instructional Sciences (CAIS) this year under its Open Campus initiative and invites you to join at:

Call for Workshop Abstract Submissions

Added by Durlach, Paula over 6 years ago

**Workshop on Authoring and Tutoring Methods for Diverse Task Domains: Psychomotor, Mobile, and Medical

Workshop to be held in conjunction with AIED 2018 in London, U.K. 27-30 June.

This half-day workshop will discuss key issues surrounding authoring and tutoring methods for diverse task domains occurring "in the wild." This includes psychomotor tasks, medical skills training, or other tasks using mobile technologies. The workshop will facilitate an interactive panel discussion from those in the ITS community for the goal of identifying and discussing the technical needs, research questions, current state of the research, and/or challenges related to authoring and intelligent tutoring methods for these domains.
See the complete call for papers on Easy Chair CFP AIED_WKSP_Psycho1.
Submit an 800-1000 word abstract by March 2, 2018 using Easy Chair

Abstract Acceptance Notification: 9 March 2018 Paper Submission Deadline: 6 April 2018--Papers should be 6‐10 pages in the LNCS format required by the AIED 2018 Conference.
Paper Acceptance Notification: 18 April 2018 Camera‐Ready Paper Submission Deadline: 4 May 2018

GIFT Around the Globe

Added by Sottilare, Robert over 6 years ago

Hi GIFT Users... did you know that there are now nearly 1500 GIFT users in 76 countries? We are interested in how you are using GIFT as a standalone tutor, in the classroom, for experiments or in other ways. Please send us your stories and pictures of you in action with GIFT as we begin the development of a news series called "Around the Globe". Log in to and go to the GIFT Around the Globe tab for instructions on how to submit your stories and media.

Join the conversation at!

Team Tutoring Workshop Call for Proposals: AIED 2018

Added by Sinatra, Anne over 6 years ago

The GIFT team is hosting a half-day workshop titled "Assessment and Intervention during Team Tutoring" at the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2018 Conference in London, England, UK.

We invite workshop paper submissions about the up-and-coming topic of Team Tutoring and Collaborative Learning.

The call for proposals and submission information can be found at:

The goals of this workshop include providing a forum for researchers to discuss the progress that they have made in team or collaborative tutoring, discuss the approaches that they have taken, the challenges that they have encountered, and/or present theoretical models on innovative methodologies to address future work on team or collaborative tutoring.

This workshop is expected to be of interest to those in academia, government, and industry who are developing tutoring experiences intended to include interaction between multiple learners. The expected outcomes of the workshop include an identification of team tutoring gaps/challenges in varying learning domains, approaches that have been successful or unsuccessful in meeting those challenges, and determining the next steps in approaches that AIED researchers can use for their own team tutor development.

The workshop will include a presentation of the accepted papers, followed by an open discussion about the challenges and current state of team tutoring. The discussion will conclude by addressing research gaps and future directions of team tutoring.

Submission Guidelines:
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to a journal or conference.
Full papers are between 6 to 10 pages in Springer LNCS format.
Proceedings papers will be published online at
Both empirical and theoretical papers with topics related to team tutoring and computer-based collaborative learning are welcome.

List of Topics of Interest
Team Tutoring
Lessons Learned from Developing Intelligent Team Tutoring Systems
Team Assessment Strategies and Approaches in an Intelligent Team Tutoring System
Collaborative Problem Solving and Learning
Theoretical models proposing innovative methodologies to address future work on team or collaborative tutoring
Discussion of steps forward in establishing team intelligent tutoring systems
Related topics are also welcome

Important Dates
March 2, 2018: Abstract submission (250 words)
April 2, 2018: Paper Submission deadline (6 to 10 pages Springer LNCS format)
April 18, 2018: Paper Acceptance Notification
June 27 - 30, 2018: AIED 2018 Conference

Easy Chair Call for Papers:
Easy Chair Submission Link:

If there are any questions, please contact the workshop co-chairs: Anne Sinatra () and Jeanine DeFalco ()


Also available in: Atom