


Team Tutoring Workshop Call for Proposals: AIED 2018

Added by Sinatra, Anne over 6 years ago

The GIFT team is hosting a half-day workshop titled "Assessment and Intervention during Team Tutoring" at the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2018 Conference in London, England, UK.

We invite workshop paper submissions about the up-and-coming topic of Team Tutoring and Collaborative Learning.

The call for proposals and submission information can be found at:

The goals of this workshop include providing a forum for researchers to discuss the progress that they have made in team or collaborative tutoring, discuss the approaches that they have taken, the challenges that they have encountered, and/or present theoretical models on innovative methodologies to address future work on team or collaborative tutoring.

This workshop is expected to be of interest to those in academia, government, and industry who are developing tutoring experiences intended to include interaction between multiple learners. The expected outcomes of the workshop include an identification of team tutoring gaps/challenges in varying learning domains, approaches that have been successful or unsuccessful in meeting those challenges, and determining the next steps in approaches that AIED researchers can use for their own team tutor development.

The workshop will include a presentation of the accepted papers, followed by an open discussion about the challenges and current state of team tutoring. The discussion will conclude by addressing research gaps and future directions of team tutoring.

Submission Guidelines:
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to a journal or conference.
Full papers are between 6 to 10 pages in Springer LNCS format.
Proceedings papers will be published online at
Both empirical and theoretical papers with topics related to team tutoring and computer-based collaborative learning are welcome.

List of Topics of Interest
Team Tutoring
Lessons Learned from Developing Intelligent Team Tutoring Systems
Team Assessment Strategies and Approaches in an Intelligent Team Tutoring System
Collaborative Problem Solving and Learning
Theoretical models proposing innovative methodologies to address future work on team or collaborative tutoring
Discussion of steps forward in establishing team intelligent tutoring systems
Related topics are also welcome

Important Dates
March 2, 2018: Abstract submission (250 words)
April 2, 2018: Paper Submission deadline (6 to 10 pages Springer LNCS format)
April 18, 2018: Paper Acceptance Notification
June 27 - 30, 2018: AIED 2018 Conference

Easy Chair Call for Papers:
Easy Chair Submission Link:

If there are any questions, please contact the workshop co-chairs: Anne Sinatra () and Jeanine DeFalco ()
