



Agenda for the 2nd Annual GIFT Users Symposium

Added by Sottilare, Robert about 10 years ago

Agenda for the 2nd Annual GIFT Users Symposium (GIFTSym2)
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Thursday afternoon - 12 June 2014

Theme #1 - Authoring Intelligent Tutoring Systems

• 1300: Welcome and Challenges for ITS Authors - Robert Sottilare (#5)
• 1330: Unwrapping GIFT: A Primer on Authoring Tools for the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring - Michael Hoffman (#5)
• 1400: SimStudent: Authoring Expert Models by Tutoring - Christopher Maclellan (#1)
• 1430: SIMILE: An Authoring and Reasoning System for GIFT - Howard Mall (#12)
• 1500: Break

Theme #2: Tutoring System Interoperability

• 1515: Interoperable Performance Assessment for Individuals and Teams Using Experience API - Michael Hruska (#13)
• 1545: Game-based Architecture for Mentor-Enhanced Training Environments (GAMETE) - Thomas Santarelli (#14)
• 1615: Adaptive Training in the Soldier-Centered Army Learning Environment (SCALE) - Joanne Barnieu (#25)
• 1645: Adjourn for the Day

Friday morning - 13 June 2014

Theme #3 - GIFT - User Perspectives for Authors, Researchers, and Instructional Designers

• 0800: An Analysis of GIFT Users’ Experiences and Design Recommendations for Usability Enhancements in GIFT - Heather Holden (#17)
• 0830: The Research Psychologist's Guide to GIFT - Anne Sinatra (#9)
• 0900: Triggering and Structure of Instructional Interactions Within GIFT - Bob Pokorny (#24)

Theme #4 - Affect and other Non-Cognitive Factors in ITSs

• 0930: Investigating the Role of Physiological Measurement in Intelligent Tutoring - Jennifer Murphy (#10)
• 1000: Break
• 1015: Towards Detection of Engagement and Affect in a Simulation-based Combat Medic Training Environment - Ryan Baker (#27)
• 1045: It’s All About the Process: Building Sensor-Driven Emotion Detectors with GIFT - Jonathan Rowe (#18)
• 1115: Personalization, Non-Cognitive Factors, and Grain-Size for Measurement and Analysis in Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Implications for GIFT - Stephen Fancsali (#22)

Lunch - 1145 - 1300 (on your own)

Friday afternoon - 13 June 2014

Theme #5 - Teachable Agents

• 1300: Design Challenges and Recommendations for Multi-Agent Learning Systems Featuring Teachable Agents - Natalie Parde (#6)
• 1330: Learning by Teaching a Synthetic Peer: Lessons Learned from in vivo Field Trials - Noburu Masuda (#8)

Theme #6 Dialogue-based Tutoring

• 1400: Using GIFT as an adaptation engine for a dialogue-based tutor - Robbie Robson (#23)
• 1430: Rapid, Form-Based Authoring of Natural Language Tutoring Trialogs - Benjamin Nye (#11)
• 1500: Break

Theme #7: Intelligent Tutoring for Teams

• 1515: Taxonomy of Teams, Team Tasks, and Tutors - Stephen Gilbert (#26)
• 1545: Modality and Timing of Team Feedback: Implications for GIFT - Stephen Gilbert (#20)
• 1615: Adjourn for the Day

Friendly Reminder of GIFT User Experience Survey

Added by Holden, Heather over 10 years ago

Dear GIFT User,

Please take about 5-10 minutes to complete the following GIFT User Experience Survey. The survey is web-based and user-friendly. The purpose of this feedback is to gain GIFT users' perspectives about your usage of GIFT. Your individual responses will be kept completely confidential; however, we will present the collective results at the 2nd Annual GIFT User Symposium in June 2014.

We appreciate your willingness to participate and value your feedback. Our hope is this process will help us meet and refine your expectations and experiences with GIFT. In order to accomplish this, please complete this survey by midnight of Wednesday, April 16th.

To begin, please click the following survey link:

GIFT 2014-1X release available for download

Added by Ragusa, Charlie over 10 years ago

GIFT 2014-1X is now available for download by registered users on the GIFT Portal (<>).
Download the file here:
We are moving to 9-month release cycles with a changed version naming scheme. Versions will now be named after the year they are released, by the order of their release. As an example, this version is GIFT-2014-1. In an effort to standardize, and to be able to release a single module, tool, or incremental update, there will now be “experimental” releases, with an ‘X’ denotation. As an example, this release is GIFT-2014-1X. Experimental releases have been tested to assure that all basic functionality works, but have not been fully regression tested. This experimental release introduces three new tools: the web-based GIFT Authoring Tool, the AutoTutor Script Authoring Tool, and the SIMILE Workbench.
Important changes made since the last release include:

  • Internet Explorer (IE) 10 support
  • Chrome support remains present
  • IE9 abandoned without configuration
  • Concepts can be assigned priority values
  • Higher priority concepts receive feedback first
  • Priority values can be adjusted at runtime
  • GIFT Authoring Guide for how to build your own training application
  • Simple Training Application added to support this tutorial
  • GIFT web-based authoring tool
  • AutoTutor Script Authoring Tool (ASAT) for creating your own AutoTutor scripts.
  • SIMILE Workbench tool for authoring within-game assessments
  • Miscellaneous (ERT, feedback display, and install improvements, etc.)

After downloading ( more details are available in the release notes.

GIFT User Experience Survey: Your Input is Invaluable

Added by Holden, Heather over 10 years ago

Dear GIFT User,

Please take about 5-10 minutes to complete the following GIFT User Experience Survey. The survey is web-based and user-friendly. The purpose of this feedback is to gain GIFT users' perspectives about your usage of GIFT. Your individual responses will be kept completely confidential; however, we will present the collective results at the 2nd Annual GIFT User Symposium in June 2014.

We appreciate your willingness to participate and value your feedback. Our hope is this process will help us meet and refine your expectations and experiences with GIFT. In order to accomplish this, please complete this survey by midnight of Wednesday, April 16th.

To begin, please click the following survey link:

(Extension) Workshops at Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2014

Added by Brawner, Keith over 10 years ago

Due to the short time for response to the announcement of workshop submissions, the deadlines for submission to the three workshops ( have all been EXTENDED to the 31st of March. In addition to this change, the Pedagogy That Makes A Difference workshop has been revised to support an 8 page maximum (Springer format) submission.

Enjoy the extra writing time.

The new schedule is:
03-31-2014: Paper submission deadline
04-20-2014: Author Notification
05-05-2014: Final version deadline

The ITS 2014 Conference Program can be found here:

Workshops at Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2014

Added by Brawner, Keith over 10 years ago

The GIFT team is coordinating three workshops at ITS 2014 on instructional strategies, teams, and authoring. They are described below. Submission deadline of March 20.

Pedagogy That Makes A Difference: Exploring Domain-Independent Principles across Instructional Management Research within the ITS Community
The purpose of this workshop is to examine current research within the ITS community focused on instructional management within educational technology, and to conceptualize its application in a domain-independent authoring environment, such as the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT). The goal of this topic is to recognize the various factors associated with instructional management in ITSs, the types of strategies being applied in today’s use cases, and current trends being researched by the field.
Call for Papers
Submission Site

Guiding Collaborative Teams using Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Insight to the Unique Challenges of Tutoring Small Teams vs. Individual Learners:
The purpose of this workshop is to provide this Community with an in-depth exploration of the key issues and challenges surrounding collaborative team tutoring in intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). The Community is already aware and possess extensive knowledge of the complexities involved in providing individual one-to-one tutoring with ITS; however, expanding ITS to support geographically-distributed team training presents additional technical challenges yet to be explored.
Call for Papers
Submission Site

Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tools: Harvesting the Current Crop and Planting Seeds for the Future
The purpose of this workshop is to provide the ITS community with an outlet to present and demonstrate their cutting edge research into authoring tools. As the development of authoring tools is an applied research field, it is often difficult to translate the functionality and capabilities of the tools into written publications. The current workshop aims to provide an opportunity for in-person multimedia demonstrations of authoring tools, as well as a forum for authoring tools best practices.
Call for Papers
Submission Site


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