Agenda for the 2nd Annual GIFT Users Symposium (GIFTSym2)
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Thursday afternoon - 12 June 2014
Theme #1 - Authoring Intelligent Tutoring Systems
• 1300: Welcome and Challenges for ITS Authors - Robert Sottilare (#5)
• 1330: Unwrapping GIFT: A Primer on Authoring Tools for the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring - Michael Hoffman (#5)
• 1400: SimStudent: Authoring Expert Models by Tutoring - Christopher Maclellan (#1)
• 1430: SIMILE: An Authoring and Reasoning System for GIFT - Howard Mall (#12)
• 1500: Break
Theme #2: Tutoring System Interoperability
• 1515: Interoperable Performance Assessment for Individuals and Teams Using Experience API - Michael Hruska (#13)
• 1545: Game-based Architecture for Mentor-Enhanced Training Environments (GAMETE) - Thomas Santarelli (#14)
• 1615: Adaptive Training in the Soldier-Centered Army Learning Environment (SCALE) - Joanne Barnieu (#25)
• 1645: Adjourn for the Day
Friday morning - 13 June 2014
Theme #3 - GIFT - User Perspectives for Authors, Researchers, and Instructional Designers
• 0800: An Analysis of GIFT Users’ Experiences and Design Recommendations for Usability Enhancements in GIFT - Heather Holden (#17)
• 0830: The Research Psychologist's Guide to GIFT - Anne Sinatra (#9)
• 0900: Triggering and Structure of Instructional Interactions Within GIFT - Bob Pokorny (#24)
Theme #4 - Affect and other Non-Cognitive Factors in ITSs
• 0930: Investigating the Role of Physiological Measurement in Intelligent Tutoring - Jennifer Murphy (#10)
• 1000: Break
• 1015: Towards Detection of Engagement and Affect in a Simulation-based Combat Medic Training Environment - Ryan Baker (#27)
• 1045: It’s All About the Process: Building Sensor-Driven Emotion Detectors with GIFT - Jonathan Rowe (#18)
• 1115: Personalization, Non-Cognitive Factors, and Grain-Size for Measurement and Analysis in Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Implications for GIFT - Stephen Fancsali (#22)
Lunch - 1145 - 1300 (on your own)
Friday afternoon - 13 June 2014
Theme #5 - Teachable Agents
• 1300: Design Challenges and Recommendations for Multi-Agent Learning Systems Featuring Teachable Agents - Natalie Parde (#6)
• 1330: Learning by Teaching a Synthetic Peer: Lessons Learned from in vivo Field Trials - Noburu Masuda (#8)
Theme #6 Dialogue-based Tutoring
• 1400: Using GIFT as an adaptation engine for a dialogue-based tutor - Robbie Robson (#23)
• 1430: Rapid, Form-Based Authoring of Natural Language Tutoring Trialogs - Benjamin Nye (#11)
• 1500: Break
Theme #7: Intelligent Tutoring for Teams
• 1515: Taxonomy of Teams, Team Tasks, and Tutors - Stephen Gilbert (#26)
• 1545: Modality and Timing of Team Feedback: Implications for GIFT - Stephen Gilbert (#20)
• 1615: Adjourn for the Day