


Workshops at Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2014

The GIFT team is coordinating three workshops at ITS 2014 on instructional strategies, teams, and authoring. Submit by March 20.
Added by Brawner, Keith about 11 years ago

The GIFT team is coordinating three workshops at ITS 2014 on instructional strategies, teams, and authoring. They are described below. Submission deadline of March 20.

Pedagogy That Makes A Difference: Exploring Domain-Independent Principles across Instructional Management Research within the ITS Community
The purpose of this workshop is to examine current research within the ITS community focused on instructional management within educational technology, and to conceptualize its application in a domain-independent authoring environment, such as the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT). The goal of this topic is to recognize the various factors associated with instructional management in ITSs, the types of strategies being applied in today’s use cases, and current trends being researched by the field.
Call for Papers
Submission Site

Guiding Collaborative Teams using Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Insight to the Unique Challenges of Tutoring Small Teams vs. Individual Learners:
The purpose of this workshop is to provide this Community with an in-depth exploration of the key issues and challenges surrounding collaborative team tutoring in intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). The Community is already aware and possess extensive knowledge of the complexities involved in providing individual one-to-one tutoring with ITS; however, expanding ITS to support geographically-distributed team training presents additional technical challenges yet to be explored.
Call for Papers
Submission Site

Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tools: Harvesting the Current Crop and Planting Seeds for the Future
The purpose of this workshop is to provide the ITS community with an outlet to present and demonstrate their cutting edge research into authoring tools. As the development of authoring tools is an applied research field, it is often difficult to translate the functionality and capabilities of the tools into written publications. The current workshop aims to provide an opportunity for in-person multimedia demonstrations of authoring tools, as well as a forum for authoring tools best practices.
Call for Papers
Submission Site
