


GIFT 2014-1X release available for download

Added by Ragusa, Charlie over 10 years ago

GIFT 2014-1X is now available for download by registered users on the GIFT Portal (<>).
Download the file here:
We are moving to 9-month release cycles with a changed version naming scheme. Versions will now be named after the year they are released, by the order of their release. As an example, this version is GIFT-2014-1. In an effort to standardize, and to be able to release a single module, tool, or incremental update, there will now be “experimental” releases, with an ‘X’ denotation. As an example, this release is GIFT-2014-1X. Experimental releases have been tested to assure that all basic functionality works, but have not been fully regression tested. This experimental release introduces three new tools: the web-based GIFT Authoring Tool, the AutoTutor Script Authoring Tool, and the SIMILE Workbench.
Important changes made since the last release include:

  • Internet Explorer (IE) 10 support
  • Chrome support remains present
  • IE9 abandoned without configuration
  • Concepts can be assigned priority values
  • Higher priority concepts receive feedback first
  • Priority values can be adjusted at runtime
  • GIFT Authoring Guide for how to build your own training application
  • Simple Training Application added to support this tutorial
  • GIFT web-based authoring tool
  • AutoTutor Script Authoring Tool (ASAT) for creating your own AutoTutor scripts.
  • SIMILE Workbench tool for authoring within-game assessments
  • Miscellaneous (ERT, feedback display, and install improvements, etc.)

After downloading ( more details are available in the release notes.
