



From 05/19/2017 to 06/17/2017


10:00 AM 2017_06_AIED_Sottilare et al_Team Meta-Analysis.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
09:51 AM Document: 2017_06_Designing Adaptive Instruction for Teams: a Meta-Analysis_IJAIED
The goal of this research was the development of a practical architecture for the computer-based tutoring of teams. T... Sottilare, Robert


07:42 AM GIFT YouTube Videos Posted
One of the requirements from the last GIFTSym was that GIFT should have a number of tutorial videos explaining its ba... Brawner, Keith


06:43 PM 2017_06_AIED_Fletcher and Sottilare.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
06:42 PM Document: 2017_06_Shared Mental Models in Support of Adaptive Instruction for Teams Using the GIF...
Abstract. Teams and teamwork are ubiquitous in military and civilian organizations. Their importance to organizationa... Sottilare, Robert


10:39 AM 0c96053b5c7acb0d51000000.pdf
Goldberg, Ben
10:39 AM Document: 2011_12_I/ITSEC_Modeling trainee affective and cognitive state using low cost sensors
Carroll, M., Kokini, C., Champney, R., Sottilare, R., & Goldberg, B. (2011, November). Modeling trainee affective and... Goldberg, Ben


09:50 AM 23_Carlin_GIFTSym5_Analytics.pdf
Sottilare, Robert


08:52 AM Proceedings for GIFTSym5
Hi... the proceedings book has not yet completed review, but we have placed all of the papers and the presentations t... Sottilare, Robert
08:48 AM 21_Goodwin_GIFTSym5_Analytics.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:48 AM 22_Smith_GIFTSym5_Analytics.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:47 AM 18_Vargas_GIFTSym5_Domain Modeling.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:46 AM 17_Sottilare_GIFTSym5_Domain Modeling.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:46 AM 16_Rowe_GIFTSym5_Instructional Management.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:45 AM 15_Sinatra_GIFTSym5_Instructional Management.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:45 AM 14_Folsom-Kovarik_GIFTSym5_Instructional Management.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:44 AM 13_Goldberg_GIFTSym5_Instructional Management.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:44 AM 11_Sinatra_GIFTSym5_Team Modeling.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:43 AM 10_Schnell_GIFTSym5_Learner Modeling.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:43 AM 09_Rajendren_GIFTSym5_Learner Modeling.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:43 AM 08_Goodwin_GIFTSym5_Learner Modeling.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:43 AM 07_Davis_GIFTSym5_Authoring.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:42 AM 06_MurrayPicoRedmon_GIFT Sym5_Authoring.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:41 AM 05_Bell and Brown_GIFTSym5_Authoring.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:41 AM 04_Ososky_GIFTSym5_Authoring.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:41 AM 03_Nye_GIFTSym5_Architecture.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:41 AM 02_Sewall_GIFTSym5_Architecture.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:40 AM 01_Brawner_GIFTSym5_Architecture.pdf
Sottilare, Robert
08:40 AM 00_Sottilare_GIFTSym5 Keynote Presentation.pdf
Sottilare, Robert

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