Official Release of GIFT 2022-1 is Here!!!
Just in time for Thanksgiving!! We're happy to announce the public facing version of GIFT 2022-1 is now available!!
Download GIFT 2022-1 and dependencies directly from this link:
A GIFT account is required to download the software, and is available at no cost.
This release features:
- A regression tested open source version of GIFT with enhancements and extensions built upon GIFT 2021-2.
- GIFT xAPI improvements in support of the STE Experiential Learning for Readiness (STEEL-R) data strategy focused on competency-based learner modeling. This includes new context extensions to track stress and difficulty across each experienced task and adaptive inject within a scenario.
- Interfacing with the open source Competency and Skill System (CASS).
- Integration with the Institute for Creative Technology's (ICT) Unity-based Rapid Integration and Development Environment (RIDE).
- Executable demonstration in RIDE with assessments and After Action Review supports managed via GIFT.
- First release of the eXperience Training Support Package (XTSP) data schema focused on integration between an intelligent tutoring service and a synthetic training environment.
- Core demonstration courses that are editable for authoring and GIFT familiarization.
- Run local videos within a new defined GIFT course object.
- Several improvements to the Game Master User Interface, with focus on interfacing assessment and coaching strategy information with a human observer, and better usability with the map and icon features during scenario execution and AAR.
- A new web monitor for administrators running their own cloud instance of GIFT.
- And MUCH MUCH More!!
GIFT Cloud updates will still be deployed regularly, so keep track of GIFT news items for announcements on new functionality.
For a full breakdown of all new functions and services, visit this link to the GIFT2022-1 release notes: