


GIFT Co-Developer Guide

GIFT is an open-source project, therefore we encourage others to help us improve and fix it. This page contains useful information for GIFT developers that want to have their changes integrated back into the main GIFT production line.

GIFT Integration Checklist

Make sure to check that your changes adhere to the items in this list:

Integration Checklist

Software Development Environment and Tools

Operating System

  • Windows 7, 10

Standard Tools

  • Eclipse IDE
    • Eclipse Error/Warning project settings (minimal settings):

If for some reason the Eclipse preference file doesn't setup the error/warning settings for you, than follow the instructions below to manually create the template.

You can change these settings manually by comparing your properties to the images below:
  • Eclipse Javadoc project settings (minimal settings):

IDE Setup - Set Spaces for Tabs

Set the Eclipse IDE to use "spaces" instead of "tab" characters. Number of spaces inserted should be 4.

In Eclipse this is done in 2 places:

  • Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter->Edit->Indentation = "Spaces Only"
    • Change the name for the PROFILE in order for this setting to be saved!
  • Window->Preferences->Editors->Text Editors->Insert spaces for tabs

Note that in Eclipse if you come across a file that is inconsistent (uses both tab characters and spaces), you can use the Source->Format option to format the tab characters back to spaces on a specific file.

GIFT Coding Standards

GIFT Coding standards can be found in the GIFT documentation:

  • GIFT/docs/content/GIFTCodingStandards/GIFTCodingStandards.htm
    • This page is also hyperlinked in the main documentation GIFT/docs/index.htm in the "Developer" section under "Coding Standards".

GIFT Integration Checklist.RoughDraft.xlsx - Checklist to be used by co-developers that want their code changes to be integrated into the main baseline of GIFT (13.4 KB) Hoffman, Michael, 11/04/2015 09:06 AM