


GIFTSym 4 Cancelled

Added by Sottilare, Robert almost 9 years ago

It is with deep regret that we must cancel the face-to-face meeting known as the GIFT Users Symposium (GIFTSym) this year. Recent changes in Army policy have classified GIFTSym as a conference and with little time to shepherd the conference approval package through the process (normally 6 months for approval), we will not meet the timeline to meet face to face in Princeton in May.

However, we plan to continue the paper review process and select papers for publication in the GIFTSym Proceedings, but these papers will not be presented face-to-face.

I apologize for inconvenience and hope that you understand that these are circumstances beyond our control. We are already developing the conference package for next year's GIFTSym and do not anticipate any additional problems moving forward. We thank you for your patience and your support of GIFT.


Bob Sottilare
GIFTSym Chair
