


GIFT Workshop at AIED 2015

The GIFT team is coordinating a workshop at AIED 2015. Submit by March 20.
Added by Goldberg, Ben about 10 years ago

The GIFT team is coordinating a workshop at AIED 2015 titled: "Developing a Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT): Informing Design through a Community of Practice" Submission deadline of March 20.

The purpose of this workshop is to examine current research within the AIED community focused on improving adaptive tools and methods for authoring, automated instruction and evaluation associated with the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT). The organizers plan to demonstrate various authoring tools and capabilities available within GIFT and to allocate time for hands-on interaction with GIFT’s authoring tools. The goal of this event is to provide an interactive forum for interested parties to learn about how GIFT operates, to learn about the various research efforts that are ongoing to improve its function, and to allow participants to share insights and opinions on presented work and demonstrations. This workshop is unique as it will also provide participants with opportunities to work alongside the presenters.
Call for Papers
Submission Site
