


GIFT 4.0 Public Release

Added by Ragusa, Charlie almost 11 years ago

GIFT version 4.0 is now available for download by registered users on the GIFT Portal (

Download the file here:

Important changes made since the last release include:

  • JUnit Test Suite
  • Mid-lesson AutoTutor Session
  • Import Domain Tool
  • How to Migrate Authored Elements from 3.* to 4.0
  • Export Tutor Improvements
  • New Domains
  • Python Support
  • New Sensor Filters
  • Installation Improvements
  • Course List Filtering
  • SIMILE Assessment Engine
  • Survey Authoring System
  • Sensor Module
  • Gateway Module
  • Multiple LMS Connections
  • Miscellaneous

After downloading more details are available in the release notes.
