


RSVP Information for GIFTSym12

Added by Sinatra, Anne 12 months ago

The 12th Annual GIFT User Symposium (GIFTSym12) is quickly approaching!

GIFTSym12 is one and a half days and will be held Monday, May 6th, 2024 (1:30pm – 5:00pm), and Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 (9:00am – 5:00pm); please note the end times each day may be adjusted as our planning is finalized.

GIFTSym12 will be held in Orlando, FL at the Central Florida Tech Grove (12809 Science Drive, Orlando, FL 32826; information from the Tech Grove: “Go towards the back, left corner of the building. You will see a large white structure with Tech Grove graphics on it pointing to the Tech Grove entrance in the back, left corner; park anywhere that is not marked ‘Reserved’).

In general, presentations are planned to be given in-person, but non-presenters are welcome to attend in-person or virtually on Microsoft Teams.

It is free to participate in GIFTSym12, but we do ask that you RSVP at the link below to help us properly prepare for the number of expected participants, and the mode that they plan to participate in.

RSVP link:

Please RSVP even if you be only joining us for part of GIFTSym12.
