


GIFT version 3.0 - Public Release

Added by Ragusa, Charlie over 11 years ago

GIFT version 3.0 is now available for download by registered users on the GIFT Portal (

Download the file here:

New features/capabilities include:

  • Integration with TC3Sim (aka VMedic), including assessment using the SIMILE assessment engine
  • Ability to run GIFT in a single process using the Single Process Launcher (SPL)
  • Export Tutor capability which allows creation of a redistributable tutoring capability in a single zip file requiring minimal installation.
  • New Pedagogical Model (eMap)
  • Metadata Authoring Tool
  • Human Affect Recording Tool (aka HART) application (not integrated with GIFT)
  • GIFT Kinect Decoder (used to process Kinect data captured by GIFT)
  • Instructional Strategies increased sophistication
  • XML Schema Changes
  • Internal Message Queuing
  • Integration of new Sensors: Microsoft Kinect, Multisense Sensor, BioHarness Sensor, OS3D Sensor
  • Tutor User Interface HTML Guidance
  • New Domains
  • Several new Surveys
  • Survey Scoring Capability
  • Hyper-linked HTML documentation
  • AutoTutor conversational dialogues based on LSA assessment, AutoTutor scripts, and GIFT pedagogy.

After downloading more details are available in the release notes.
