


Team Tutoring Virtual Workshop Deadline Extension (May 11)

Added by Sinatra, Anne almost 3 years ago

We are happy to announce a deadline extension and updated due dates for our half-day virtual workshop titled "Advances and Opportunities in Team Tutoring" during the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2022 Conference (the conference itself is hybrid from Durham, UK).

The workshop itself is completely VIRTUAL.

800 word abstracts are now due on MAY 11th, 2022.

We invite workshop paper submissions about the topic of Team Tutoring and Collaborative Learning.

The call for papers and submission information can be found at:

The goals of this VIRTUAL workshop include providing a forum for researchers to discuss the progress that they have made in team or collaborative tutoring, discuss the approaches that they have taken, the challenges that they have encountered, and/or present theoretical models on innovative methodologies to address future work on team or collaborative tutoring.

This workshop is expected to be of interest to those in academia, government, and industry who are developing tutoring experiences intended to include interaction between multiple learners. The expected outcomes of the workshop include an identification of team tutoring gaps/challenges in varying learning domains, approaches that have been successful or unsuccessful in meeting those challenges, and determining the next steps in approaches that AIED researchers can use for their own team tutor development.

The workshop will include a presentation of the accepted papers, followed by an open discussion about the challenges and current state of team tutoring. The discussion will conclude by addressing research gaps and future directions of team tutoring.

Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to a journal or conference.
Reviews and acceptances will be based on extended abstracts, which are 800 words.
Full papers are between 5 to 12 pages in CEUR-ART format.
Proceedings papers are planned to be published online at or
Both empirical and theoretical papers with topics related to team tutoring and computer-based collaborative learning are welcome.

List of Topics of Interest
Team Tutoring
Lessons Learned from Developing Intelligent Team Tutoring Systems
Team Tutoring in Distributed Environments
Team Assessment Strategies and Approaches in an Intelligent Team Tutoring System
Collaborative Problem Solving and Learning
Theoretical models proposing innovative methodologies to address future work on team or collaborative tutoring
Discussion of steps forward in establishing team intelligent tutoring systems
Natural Language Processing for Team Tutoring
Distinguishing Taskwork vs. Teamwork
Scaffolding and Pedagogical Modeling for Team Tutoring
Team Tutoring in Distributed Environments
Data Strategies for Team Tutoring
Assessment Approaches and Ontologies ( e.g., automated scoring individuals to teams)
Modeling Team Affect
Modeling Team Behaviors and Group Problem Solving
Data Visualization for Team Tutoring
Working with Virtual Teammates
Related topics are also welcome

Important Dates
May 11, 2022: Extended Abstract submission (800 words)
May 31, 2022: Acceptance Notification
June 30, 2022: Camera Ready Paper Deadline (5 to 12 pages in CEUR-ART format)
July 27th or 31st, 2022: Workshop days at AIED 2022 Conference; workshop will be scheduled for one of these two days and will be VIRTUAL.

More information about AIED 2022 workshops:

Easy Chair Workshop Call for Papers:
Easy Chair Workshop Submission Link:

If there are any questions, please contact the workshop co-chairs: Anne Sinatra () and Benjamin Goldberg ()
